One of my absolute favorite features has got to be my big, crazy, curly, blonde hair! I have always said that my hair is my identifier because whenever people see me they know it is my by my hair. I get a lot of compliments on it (which I am so flattered by all of the time and love very much) even though it always suprises me because I honestly don't do much to it.
Over the years I have learned to try and tame this frizzy, beast that is on my head but it hasn't always been easy. When I say frizz, I mean there is immense amounts of frizz and also my hair texture is just so course that it makes me want to scream. But that's okay I guess because with the right product I have been able to work with the hair the God blessed me with.
If you have very thick hair with some what of a natural curl then this product will be great for you because most of this is my own natural wave so idk what it would do if you had just straight hair. BTW you can shop all of the products by clicking on the names!
These steps are SUPER easy and most of the time it takes me less than 5 minutes to actually do my hair. I don't like to spend a lot of time getting ready because I would rather sleep (;
All you will need is a t-shirt and some hair gel and then you're done! There is extra steps if you are feeling like really trying that day.
1). To start, I use Matrix Total Results So Long Damage Restoring Shampoo and Conditioner With Ceramides from Ulta Beauty. I always restock when they have their liter sales which makes them like $12 bucks which is a total steal for so much product!!!!
2). I use a damage erasing balm every time I shower because it is the only thing that will get through my course hair and actually make it soft. I kind of have become dependent on it because if I don't do it then I can't run my fingers through it. Like it's a terrible ratty mess. Plus when you have damaged hair from coloring it then I don't think you can ever do too much deep conditioners and other similar products. I use L'Oreal® Total Repair 5 8.5 oz. Damage-Erasing Balm which is $6.
3). Every other time I shampoo I use Milk-shake Specific Shampoo (silver Shampoo) to keep my blonde looking bright and not gold which my hair pulls gold tones so easily so this is a necessity. It is $21.49 on amazon. I have tried a lot of different silver shampoo's like Matrix and and AG but they did not work like this one did. I HIGHLY recommend this product.
4). I get out of the shower and I try to wrap my hair in a t-shirt because it causes less frizz. Buttttt I don't always do that because the towel is just so much closer so I grab that more times then not to get the moisture out. BUT DON'T RUB, just gently wrap it for a few minutes.
5). Spray your hair all over with Garnier Fructis Style Curl Shape Defining Spray Gel 8.5 oz. It is $4 at Target and Walmart. This is the sun, moon and stars to me and I won't go anywhere without it. I am not kidding when I say I have tried almost alllllll kinds of hair products. Mouses, gels, creams; you name it I have tried it. This baby I have been using for a solid 4 years now and I haven't looked back. It doesn't make my hair crunchy but it keeps the curls in tact.

Steps six and seven you can take it or leave it. Most of the time I leave them and just scrunch my hair up with my hands a few times and then walk out the door with very wet hair. I like the air dry look better and not to mention no heat so I think that is why my hair grows faster. But when I don't want dripping wet hair or need to add a few extra curls to the top layer to be more bouncy then I do these steps.
6). I use a diffuser on my blow dryer which is Hot Tools but you can use any hair dryer with a diffuser attachment.

7). I use my CONAIR Infiniti Curling Wand Styler that I got from Walmart for $19.99 to wrap around some small strands to mimic the natural curl in my hair.


All of my products are below!