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  • Writer's pictureMakenzie Finks


o u t f i t - d e t a i l s

bottoms: American Eagle / jean shorts / old

similar: here and here

ear rings: Francesca's / tassel ear rings / old

similar: here and here

I am going to be honest over here, growing up I hated the Fourth of July. Why you ask? Because I was TERRIFIED of fireworks!! 

What normal person doesn't like fireworks, right?

A lame one like me haha.

Idk why, but I have always been super sensitive to sounds. My boyfriend still gets mad at me or makes jokes because I jump and like freak out when something is super loud. Well, for me it's loud and to him he says it's not. 

Who knows.... but I've gotten used to it and now I LOVE the fourth!

I think fireworks are beautiful and I think celebrating our amazing country is even more so. It is a great time to get together with friends and family and appreciate what America has given to all of us. I am so thankful for the USA and can't wait to shoot off fireworks to celebrate! 

I am very proud to be an American and can't wait to wear this tank out on that day! You will probably find me by the lake, or fishing, making hot dogs, and definitely shooting off fireworks in fields. 

I hope you have a blessed 4th everyone! 


Kenzie Lynn

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