I am constantly trying to learn about different websites to make my blog 10 times better! It is a TON of work to stay on top of the game when it comes to social media since it is constantly changing but that is also what makes it so F U N!
I have been asked a few times about editing photos and I also have asked other bloggers questions on different sites to use at times so I figured it would be super helpful to compile a few websites and apps that I have found to be beneficial to building my blog and social media accounts.
To Edit Photos:
I only use these on close up shots where it will actually make a difference by smoothing out lines or detailing the eyes. I love using this app just to add a little pop but you have to be careful because sometimes I have overdone it and I looked like a doll, a super creepy doll. So, it is all about practice and just messing around with the app. The goal is obviously to edit without making it look like you've edited too much.
This the app I use for filters. I love to add brightness and a little bit of sharpening and then I either use A4, A5, A6 / F2 / HB1, HB2, and sometimes M3. Most come with the app and I think I downloaded the A's and H's but they were for free (:
To Plan My Feed:
This is an app just for planning your Instagram feed. This one did cost like .99 cents I believe, but it has proven to be quite useful. I use to just guess on what would look good on my feed and sometimes that wouldn't work out so well and I would delete photos and then get mad at myself for not having a more cohesive looking feed. Until one day my friend, Diane, told me about snug. It at first caused me lots of anxiety actually because I started getting paranoid that nothing looked good together and I felt like I couldn't post anything at all if I didn't match but once I got over that I have found that I actually love this app.
Creating Graphics:
This website is AMAZING. I started using it in undergrad to create simple graphics for projects and internships but now I have gotten better with it and use it to create graphics for my blog as well as my dad's company that I am doing some marketing for. It is a free site that is super easy to use and comes with so many layouts specifically for social media, or brochures, or basically anything you could possibly desire!
Photo Fillers on Instagram:
I am human and with that I can't always take amazing photos 24/7 but I know how important it is to post everyday. So sometimes I find random photos on the internet that will go well with my content to make sure that I always have something to post. It is a free site AND all photos on StockSnap fall under the Creative Commons CC0 license. Which means you can copy, modify, distribute any photo on the site, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission! They have great quality photos and it has been very helpful for me when I can't take a good enough photo because I am just a college student. I can't afford a ton of fancy cameras. Obviously, you don't want to do this a lot because original content is the way to go but if you are in a pinch or need a photo to break up a streak then I love this website!
These are tools that I use regularly to help run and maintain my social media sites. I hope you found that helpful and if you have any questions I would be more than happy to answer them as always!!